Heartsaver Bloodborne Pathogens Course Highlight
What is a pathogen?
A pathogen is defined as a microorganism, such as a bacterium or a virus that can cause disease. Some examples of blood-borne pathogens include Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), malaria, Hepatitis B (HBV), and Hepatitis C. These are severe illnesses to contract and protecting yourself from contracting them is extremely important for those in occupations where exposure is a possibility. Even if don’t directly interact with individuals who may be infected with a pathogen, you may be exposed to contaminated surfaces or items which can spread the microorganism.
ACLS Academy’s Heartsaver Bloodborne Pathogens Course reflects science and education from the American Heart Association Guidelines.
Who should take the course?
The Heartsaver Bloodborne Pathogens Course teaches students how to protect themselves and others from being exposed to blood or blood-containing materials and meets Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements for bloodborne pathogens training, along with site specific training for each student’s occupation. The course was designed specifically for workplace and health and safety personnel who must take a OSHA mandated course as well as for anyone with a reasonable chance of coming into contact with bloodborne pathogens such as: correctional officers, childcare workers, security guards, maintenance workers, school personnel, hospitality workers such as housekeepers, health and fitness club staff, tattoo artists, and religious / civic organizations. This class is not intended for healthcare providers. Please take our BLS Course if you are in the healthcare field.
What does the course cover?
This course uses the PACT acronym (Protect, Act, Clean, Tell) and tagline, “Make a PACT, Know How to Act™,” to help students learn and easily recall bloodborne pathogens training. Students learn how to:
Protect themselves from blood or blood-containing materials
Act when exposed to blood or blood-containing materials in the workplace
Clean themselves and the area involved when exposed to blood or blood-containing materials in the workplace
Tell or report any exposure to blood or blood-containing materials in the workplace
Those who complete the training receive a Bloodborne Pathogens Training certification valid for one year. Sign up here for ACLS Academy’s Bloodborne Pathogens course.