Goals to Set for a Healthy New Year

With 2022 just around the corner, it’s officially the time of year that people start creating a list of resolutions and goals for the new year. So often, people forget about their resolutions within weeks. A major factor in why this happens is that so many people (us included!) create unrealistic goals that make it easy to give up.

This year, consider setting small, realistic goals that’ll help you boost your physical and mental health instead of putting an unnecessary amount of pressure on yourself!

Not sure where to start? Consider these goals for a happy and healthy 2022.

Drink More Water

Your body relies on water to function, and drinking more water is one of the easiest ways to improve your health! If you’re an active person or work out a lot, always drink water before, during, and after any physical exercise, so you don’t get dehydrated.

Eat More Plants

Eating a plant-rich diet can help protect the body against illness and certain conditions and provides the body with the nutrients it needs to function correctly.

Read a Book a Month

Not only is reading a great way to learn about different cultures and perspectives, but it’s also a great way to relax and ease any feelings of overwhelm, especially before bed! If reading books isn’t your thing, try a podcast, audiobook, or even picking up a new magazine with articles that interest you.

Limit Your Screen Time

No matter what your lifestyle looks like (or what you do for a job!), you’re likely spending a large percentage of your day on some sort of screen and reducing your screen time wherever you can help you feel better and more productive.

A Few Ways to Limit Screen Time:

  • Remove social media apps from your phone

  • Put your phone away an hour before bed

  • Instead of texting with friends and family, give them a call

  • Write out your shopping list on paper

Find an Exercise Routine That Works for You

How often do you find yourself saying you need to exercise more but never end up doing it? Instead of setting lofty goals of running three times a week and going to the gym the other days, start small. Start with walking (or a slow jog) a few days of the week, stretching daily, and taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

And remember - just because one exercise routine works for one person doesn’t mean it needs to work for you. Find activities that work for YOU!

Write Down What You’re Thankful For

It can be so easy to fall into the cycle of everyday life and forget about all the amazing things around you that allow you to have the lifestyle you do. When you first get up in the mornings, write down one thing you’re thankful for to help you re-center the way you think.

It can be small things, too! A few things we’re thankful for today: warm cups of coffee on a chilly day, being able to celebrate the holiday season with family, and delicious leftovers for lunch.

ACLS Academy wishes you a happy and healthy new year!