Love Jeopardy? Get the American Heart Association ACLS Booster App to keep your knowledge sharp!

Alex, I'll take CPR and Emergency Cardiovascular Care Facts for $500.  

Q:  An American Heart Association quiz-based app with gaming packs on CPR Basics, PALS, ACLS, BLS, and Stroke awareness.

A:  What is the AHA Knowledge Booster

If you have found that quizzes and playing games are your preferred and most enjoyable methods of reinforcing your knowledge, the American Heart Association has an App for you!  The AHA Knowledge Booster was created to reinforce critical CPR and emergency cardiovascular care information. Users can choose the topics appropriate for their level of knowledge – including BLS, ACLS, PALS, and First Aid and CPR Basics. The quiz-based application will feature questions from various topics depending on your chosen disciplines, such as patient scenarios, CPR and defibrillation, rhythm identification, pharmacology, and other topics to test your knowledge.

What does the App include?

  • Library – Displays all learning topics to which you've subscribed. It also includes topic completion stats, resources, and associated quizzes for that topic.

  • Discussion Forum – Promotes social learning, including the ability to post questions and exchange shared knowledge with other learners

  • Play – Here's the fun part where free and purchased quizzes and the leaderboard are accessed.  Each quiz has an assigned difficulty level and anticipated time to complete. Each question in the quiz is trivia styled with multiple choices or true/false answers. Upon answering a question, a factoid will sometimes pop up with more information about that question. The Booster learns how well you are mastering a topic and may reinforce your knowledge w/ another quiz pushed to you, so critical knowledge is always top of mind.

  • Profile – Displays stats, learner badges, history, and leaderboard.

  • Notifications

The adaptive learning algorithm analyzes a user's interaction with various topics, and
Dynamically builds a proficiency map on what a user does and does not know. This proficiency map generates personalized quizzes to help them build mastery. This whole process is 100% automated based on the neuroscience-based retrieval practice technique. The more you engage with the app, the more tailored the quizzes will be!

Is the App free?

Users can access a free version of the app, buy individual packs, or purchase an All-Access bundle:

  • First Aid Basics: Free

  • CPR Basics Free

  • BLS: $1.99

  • ACLS: $2.99

  • PALS: $2.99

  • All-Access Bundle: $3.99

Users can access the Knowledge Booster App online or through the mobile app.

Does the AHA Knowledge Booster app replace an AHA course?

Using the AHA Knowledge Booster App does not replace an AHA course provided by an AHA Aligned Training Site or Center. It is not integrated with your course completion card but is a refresher activity to enhance your AHA education retention over time.

This app is intended for healthcare professionals who have recently completed their AHA Provider Courses to help retain important concepts from the course.

Providers can also use the app to keep knowledge current when they are between renewals or to use it as a refresher when preparing for a renewal course.

Alternatively, the free version of this app is a great retention tool for lay people who want to keep their CPR and First Aid knowledge fresh in case of an emergency.

Want or Need to Take an AHA Life Saving Course?

ACLS Academy is an authorized American Heart Association (AHA) Aligned Training Center. We have three convenient locations in Massachusetts – Quincy, Bridgewater, and Newton Center with some of our classes including an online component to minimize in-class time. We offer the following courses at ACLS Academy with the option to complete the coursework in a blended format or an instructor-led classroom format:

I think we'll all agree that using a digital platform and applying gamified learning improves engagement and helps with knowledge retention for students. Try the AHA Knowledge Booster to keep your knowledge sharp. Access the AHA Knowledge Booster app here for both iPhone and Android.